Samstag, Februar 21, 2009

Nutloaf a la Marcie

I have had the honor or luck to be surrounded by great chefs lately. Marcie is one of them. And her nutloaf (which mysteriously doesn't contain any nuts) is one of my latest addition to the family of recipes I can make. Thank you for sharing the recipe, Marcie!

Marcie's variations are in brackets. I can also never stick exactly to the recipe (my variations also in brackets - like this (AW:...)). Especially now, that I know my food sensitivities after doing a muscle test:

cow dairy, soy, and vinegars are on the no-no list. Thankfully butter and apple cider vinegar are exempt. Annie-how, I have digressed, here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Voracious Vegan Pate aka Marcie's Nutloaf

  • 1 cup onions, diced
  • 5 mushrooms, diced (I add ~1/2 c more potato and skip these) (AW: I used sweet potato)
  • 4 cloves garlic, diced
  • Splash olive oil
  • 1 c raw sunflower seeds, ground (food processor or blender)
  • ½ c flour (AW: I used spelt flower)
  • ½ c nutritional yeast (AW: I used kamut flower and 1 can of chickpeas)
  • 2 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • ½ tsp dried sage
  • ¼ c kelp powder (I have never used this) (AW: I used Nori Nori Seaweed)
  • 1 ½ c water
  • 3 Tbsp Braggs (I use soy sauce) (AW: I used sea salt)
  • 1 c potatoes, grated (AW: I used sweet potatoe)
  • 1/3 c olive oil
  • 1 habanero pepper, seeded and minced (optional) (AW: I don't fool around! I used 1/2 a chipotle pepper WITH seeds)

Preheat oven to 350F. In a medium saucepan, sauté the onions, mushrooms, and garlic in oil on medium high. In a large bowl combine the ground sunflower seeds, flour, yeast, basil, salt, thyme, sage, and kelp. Add the water, Braggs, potatoes, and oil, and stir together. Stir in the sautéed vegetables and optional pepper and mix well. Spoon mixture into a lightly oiled 9” pie plate (or loaf pan, or small casserole dish). Bake 45 minutes or until centre is set and browned (for pate), a bit longer for loaf. Chill thoroughly before serving (for pate). Makes 4-6 servings of pate.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Finally, a use for Bragg's that isn't medicinal :-). I will try this recipe for sure, it looks very yummy.