Mittwoch, Februar 28, 2007


On Saturday I “built” a bike. Well, I should rephrase that. Vik generously gave his second Surly frame to me, so I swapped components from my Novara frame onto the new shiny Surly. For those of you who don’t know much about touring bikes: the difference between Novara and Surly is: nobody knows Novara, but a Surly is cool. At least in the touring bike scene. I hope not so much in the bike thief scene.

It was definitely a useful experience to learn a little bit about bikes.

Now I just have to wait for it to stop snowing in arctic Calgary…

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hob gar net gwust, dass du a Radl zaombaun konnst... Mei Radl miassat a wieda amoi repariert wern. Kum amoi hoam..