Sonntag, Juni 03, 2007

Yoga Teacher Training

Trish in Ustrasana - the torture chamber version of it. It looks crazy, but these ropes are a good tool to get in alignment, especially for people with injuries

my first attempts in teaching yoga

This week I am taking a vacation from my regular job to be in a Yoga TT Intensive all
week. The training is going well so far, but I definitely still have a long way to go. It is one thing to learn the details of poses to improve my own practice; it's an entirely different thing trying to convey this information to students. Especially if there are 20 of them and everyone is stiff in different areas.

In Iyengar yoga we focus on alignment and as you can see in the picture above, there are lots of props involved. Sometimes I feel like in kindergarten with all these wooden blocks and blankets around; and other times the studio reminds me of a torture chamber.

5 Kommentare:

Vik hat gesagt…

Have fun this week! I'm sure you will learn lots of great things...=-)

Moose hat gesagt…

Anna, you have described it perfectly. Part torture chamber, part kindergarten. I got the giggles in yoga today, thinking of your description.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Gibt es im torture chamber auch ein Nagelbett zum Ausruhen?

cosmicsyv hat gesagt…

anna, ich hoffe du hast die woche gut ueberstanden ;-) ... ausschauen tuat's je net xund!
liebe gruesse, syv

Vik hat gesagt…

Someone send out a search party for Anna. She hasn't posted on her blog in a loooooooooooooong time. Maybe she is in trouble!