Sonntag, Juni 01, 2008

Wasootch - Last Weekend

Family Reunion

It's great to come from a big family: I have got cousins in a lot places, mostly in central Europe though, but one of them is even here in Calgary sometimes. Robin is off to Europe right now, but will be back in Cow Boom Town later this summer.

We decided to go to the mountains together, before Robin went to Europe. We started at Wasootch Creek, which is one of the first parking lots along the Kananaskis highway (coming from Highway 1 shortly after Barrier Lake).

We weren't sure what the weather was going to be like, so Robin had two plans in mind: walking along the creek bed along the wasootch creek or alternatively, hiking up on a ridge.

It was rainy and foggy, but no snow on the ground. We were going to be in the forest for a big portion of the time anyway, and we are not make from sugar (and hence not have to worry to dissolve in the rain), so we decided to go up on the ridge. Up through the forest towards the ridge, and along the ridge into the clouds.

I still want to do the creek stroll sometime: there won't be much elevation gain or views, but it sounds like a great opportunity to experience the pristine and peaceful Rockies.

Who needs to a trail? Robin is the king of bush-wacking. What can I say: Der Apfel faellt nicht weit vom Stamm. Or: He's a chip off the old block: that's what LEO translates it to. Cousin Robin is just like his father Wilfried when it comes to exploring the mountains.

The Unnamed Ridge

The last hike for the Salomons! This hike took the last little bit out of them. They have served me well, they are great for hiking, but scrambling was a little bit too much for them. I have had them for a few years, so they got good use, but now it's time for a new pair (or maybe two: one for trail hiking and one for scrambling).

Robin's friend Marco, Italian mountain addict, was showing off some chimney scrambling, while I was chilling on the ridge. And chilling I mean literally here. The yoga sutras claim that a real yogi can withstand the cold without problem: well, I am not quite there yet.

Along the Ridge - in the Clouds

No - these are not easter eggs, but moose droppings. I was surprised to see them up on the ridge: I expected moose rather in the valleys and marshes, but apparently they like to hang out in th mountains as well!

Click here to see more pictures.

1 Kommentar:

Vik hat gesagt…

You are the mountain master!...=-)

Nice photos.